Child Dedication

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it.
Proverbs 22:6Parent and Baby Dedication
Psalm 127:3 proclaims that "sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him." God, in His goodness, gives children as gifts to parents. They have the awesome responsibility and privilege of caring for and enjoying this gift. Believers should recognize that children belong first and foremost to God. It is only proper and appropriate that children be dedicated back to Him.
This dedication gives you the opportunity to thank God for the gift of your precious child, publicly declare your intentions to raise your child in a home where Christ is honored and His Word is taught and revered, and commit yourselves to the Lord in raising your child according to biblical standards.
The word dedication means to consecrate, or to set apart people or things for the purpose of serving God. In 1 Samuel 1 we read that Hannah presented her son Samuel to the Lord. In Luke 2:22 we read that Mary and Joseph brought their baby, Jesus, to the temple in Jerusalem in order to present Him before the Lord.
What happens during the baby dedication?
The baby dedication takes place in our worship service. Parents will come forward with their child and declare their commitment to raise the child, with God's help, to know and glorify God. The congregation will be asked to commit to pray for and be an example to this child as he/she grows in the Lord. The pastor will then lead in a prayer of dedication.
Is baby dedication a biblical ordinance?
No, baby dedication is not a biblical ordinance. It is simply the way Grace Bible Church chooses to celebrate the gift of a newborn baby, reminding each parent along with the congregation of the high calling of raising children to know and love the Lord.
Why don't we have infant baptism?
We believe a person must make a personal commitment to Christ before being baptized. For this reason, we provide parents the opportunity to dedicate their children to the Lord, praying that He would ultimately lead each child to that personal decision.